Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Native Eyewear Ward Polarized Sunglasses: $60 (53% Off)
These multisport sunglasses block 100% of UV light, have sturdy thermoplastic frames, and also allow you to interchange lenses. This deal ends tonight.
Shop the Native Eyewear Ward Sunglasses
Outdoor Research Echo Hoodie — Men’s & Women’s: $36-49 (Up to 45% Off)
OR’s Echo Hoodie has UPF sun protection and a lightweight, performance fit. The hoodie will work as a base layer when temps drop and a great active layer in the summer when you find yourself out on sunnier trails.
WTB Silverado Pro Saddle: $41 (54% Off)
Make your rides on roads or gravel a bit more comfortable with this saddle. It’s got DNA padding cushions, a flex-tuned shell to dampen bumps and chatter, and a lightweight microfiber cover.
Chrome Industries Mazer Vigil Pack: $72 (60% Off)
Right now you can get an awesome deal on this 26L travel pack. The pack has a padded sleeve for a 15-inch computer, hidden reflective gear loops, adjustable straps, and a durable, water-resistant, ripstop nylon exterior.
The North Face Hedgehog Fastpack GTX Hiking Shoe — Men’s & Women’s: $66-72 (Up to 45% Off)
Travel lighter and faster with these low-rise hikers from The North Face. The Hedgehogs have a GORE-TEX membrane, EVA midsole, and Vibram outsole. And they weigh just over a pound per pair.