The Allure Of Middle Black Clough Waterfall In Nature Directions

Are you looking for the Middle Black Clough Waterfall in the Peak District? And there are lots of picture chances with intriguing streams running up the falls that would readily keep you occupied for a day. You will need a wide-angle lens to fit everything in since the main falls themselves cover a limited region. Perfect is something like a 10-20mm on APS-C cameras and 16-35mm on full-frame.

Discovering the Hidden Gem: A Guide to Middle Black Clough Waterfall

Middle Black Clough Waterfall

How to get to Middle Black Clough?

Along this path there are places when you will have to cross streams and once reaching the middle black clough waterfall glossop you will have to go across water. Good grip on a pair of wellies will surely enable you to fully enjoy the site. Should recent heavy rain find its way to the area, it might be hazardous; if not impossible.

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The end of the Longdendale Valley marks Middle Black Clough Waterfall. From a free automobile parking lot directly off the A628 Woodhead Road, the walk is 20 to 30 minutes. Driving west along the A628, one finds a little, easily ignored lane going off to the left. See the map below and browse down the A628 to locate a nearby postcode and get a more exact point.

After parking up there, cross the bridge to the right of the car park and proceed left over the stile adjacent. These days, all you have to do is follow the road that keeps the stream on your left. With the creek remaining on your left, the road veers to the right and you follow in this direction. You will soon be in a forest; keep moving until you come across a clear space.

To your left the steam will have spread and you will notice an island and stones you may use to cross; to your right you will see a very narrow trail climbing the hill. Go this path, then cross the stream to find yourself on your right. You will shortly find yourself at a junction. Maintaining the stream on your right, follow the left path. Now you have to scale the rocks, and you will soon see middle black clough waterfall photos not far ahead.

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Walk data plus GPX.

  • Short linear stroll (with scrambling) type of walk
  • Two miles, or 3.3 km
  • One to one and half hour walk time
  • 180 m/590 ft is total ascent.
  • Highest point: 352 m/1,155 ft
  • Walk highlights: Following the Middle Black Clough + Waterfall trail up

Triggs: 0
Ethels: 0
Stales: 0

Locations on the walk

At the beginning of the route, there are not public restrooms accessible. The Bull's Head at Glossop is the closest pub both before and after your walk.

Water on your walk: I advise a filter water bottle for your Peak District treks; it saves you from carrying extra weight and you can fill up safely and drink water from the streams on your walk.

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Additional practical knowledge

After some rain, a middle black clough waterfall walk in the Peak District is always more striking; yet, this also mean the water crossing can be higher and more difficult.

Starting place for walking

Start grid reference SK 11141 99937.

Address for car parking: Woodhead Road, close to Woodhead Reservoir, Glossop, SK13 1JE Google locations

Walk Map from the Ordnance Survey

Middle Black Clough Waterfall

The Ordnance Survey OL1 – Peak District (Dark Peak Area) map guides this hike.

See the various rates here with Amazon or Ordnance Survey. The Active OS maps are wonderful to have if you're trekking in all conditions since they are laminated and middle black clough waterfall walk.

FAQs: Middle Black Clough Waterfall

Where do you park for Middle Black Clough?

At the end of the Longdendale Valley lies Middle Black Clough. From a free automobile parking lot off the A628 Woodhead Road, the walk takes twenty to thirty minutes.

What is a black waterfall?

Svartifoss, meaning "Black Falls," is so named not because of the water's color but rather because of the black hexagonal basalt columns that around it and create a backdrop to the waterfall's vertical plummet itself.

Where do you park to see the Sycamore Gap?

From either Steel Rigg's car park or the Once Brewed one, a 15-minute walk is involved.