Today’s Bargains: 3 Steals to Keep You Cozy

Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.

Decathlon Wed’ze Freeride Jacket SFR 900 — Women’s & Men’s: $150 (50% Off)

\"DecathlonFrance-based Decathlon is running a smokin’ deal right now on a huge selection of winter gear. This Freeride ski jacket is a 3-in-1 waterproof-breathable insulating layer.

The jacket has six pockets (including ski pass and goggle pockets), an adjustable hood and hem, a powder skirt, and spandex cuffs with sleeve thumbholes. The interior 900-fill down jacket is even removable for easy layering. For $150, you can’t beat this deal.

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Give’r 4-Season Gloves: $69-98 (Up to 39% Off)


We’ve watched this brand grow over the years, and its gloves have definitely impressed. Give’r’s four-season gloves have a 100% leather exterior construction with a waterproof wax coating, plus 40 g of Thinsulate insulation to keep you warm and ribbed cotton cuffs to keep the elements out.

The gloves also have over 700 five-star reviews online. Depending on color choice, get these for up to 39% off now.

Shop the Give’r GlovesShop the Full Winter Sale

Smartwool Merino 250 Quarter Zip Base Layer — Men’s & Women’s: $77-80 (Up to 33% Off)


Layer up for the rest of winter with these on-sale base layers from Smartwool. The Merino 250 layer is a classic, quarter-zip style made with 100% merino wool, flatlock seams and stitching, and a 50 UPF rating.

The high-collar, midweight layer is a great go-to for skiing, snowshoeing, and winter trail running.

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