Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for weekend adventuring or spending time at home.
Sorel Kinetic LITE Lace Sneaker — Women’s: $60-90 (Up to 50% Off)
These lightweight sneakers feel like walking on a cloud due to the EVA foam sole. Whether you’re walking around the neighborhood or working on your feet all day, the Kinetic LITE Lace will keep you comfortable.
Reviewers say these shoes have little to no break-in period. And all the fun color options can be a great way to spice up your outfit!
Find other Kinetic sneaker styles on sale now as well.
Shop Kinetic LITE Lace Sneaker NowShop Kinetic Lace SneakerShop Kinetic LITE Strap Sneaker
Patagonia Lightweight Fjord Flannel Shirt — Men’s: $44-79 (Up to 45% Off)
This organic cotton flannel is a great layering option for year-round comfort and style. It’s a lightweight version of the original Fjord flannel (which is also on sale) but is more suited to layering and everyday wear. And it has a chest pocket with a button for storing valuables.
Shop Lightweight Fjord FlannelShop Heavyweight Fjord Flannel
Columbia Rosemont Station Pullover — Women’s: $22 (60% Off w/ Coupon)
This pullover would be perfect for a movie night on the couch or as a layer in cooler weather. It’s thin but warm, and you can make it even cozier by cinching the drawstring around the neck. Also, it has a kangaroo pocket to warm hands or for storage.
Use code OCTDEALS.
Mountain Hardwear Dynama Ankle Pant — Women’s: $30 (60% Off w/ Coupon)
These pants pretty much feel like leggings — but more durable and not as tight. They could go seamlessly between the office and the crag, something that most women’s outdoor pants struggle with. And the high, wide waistband is flattering and comfortable.
Use code MHWOCT60.
REI Co-op Camp Blanket: $60 (25% Off)
Cozy up on the couch or around the campfire with the REI Camp Blanket. Synthetic polyester insulation is quilted into a ripstop nylon shell for durability and warmth. It packs into a stuff sack for easy storage and transportation.