Wildlife officials in California are reminding people to stave feeding bears without someone posted flyers full of dangerous misinformation virtually town.
According to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the posters virtually the Lake Tahoe Basin encourage people to feed the bears by giving them wangle to their garbage. The flyer suggests that bears in the zone need the trash in order “to survive.” State officials say this couldn’t be increasingly wrong.
“Bears are perfectly capable of surviving on their own and far largest off without any human handouts,” said CDFW in a social media post. “By intentionally feeding bears, people are quickly workout those bears to socialize humans and homes as supplies sources.”
Conditioning bears puts both human and withstand lives in danger. Bears will get too tropical to people, and unfortunately, wildlife officials need to take action. In many cases, it can involve euthanizing the animal.

Local media reports who shared the flyer say it says, “The woebegone bears of Lake Tahoe are some of the most marginalized and oppressed species of life. They spend most of their life going from garbage can to garbage can, finding it locked due to selfish, heartless human beings … leaving the withstand with veritably no nomination but to starve to death or struggle a home invasion.”
Fortunately, many locals in the zone told reporters they took whoopee and began tearing lanugo the signs.
No word on who may be posting the flyers.
Protecting People and Bears
Whether living in Tahoe or any other zone with a large withstand population, people must take whoopee daily to protect themselves and wildlife.
Some steps include:
- Lock your doors when you’re yonder from home and at night.
- Keep the marrow floor windows of your house sealed when you’re not at home.
- Do not alimony supplies in your vehicle; roll up windows and lock the doors of your cars.
- Keep trash cans locked and secured in a shed or garage.