This week’s best outdoor gear deals highlight an avi pack, snow goggles, BUFFs, and more.
BUFF Original Headwear: $12 (40% Off)
Right now, BUFF is running a huge sale on lots of its headwear styles, including the original BUFF and UV protection versions. Great for both winter and summer, BUFFs can be worn over 12 different ways for face and neck coverage. The original style is made with a four-way-stretch, seamless, recycled microfiber and comes in over 20 styles (and most are on sale).
Shop the Original BuffShop the BUFF Sale
The North Face Freedom Insulated Snow Pants — Women’s: $112 (30% Off)
These insulated snow pants from The North Face are perfect for resort skiing and are on sale now. The Freedom insulated pants made our list of best ski pants for women. They’re made of two-layer nylon fabric with a recycled Eco polyester lining. The pants have stretch gaiters, cargo pockets, and chimney venting as well. There are multiple colors and select sizes on sale.
Shop The North Face Freedom Pants
BCA Float 22 Airbag Pack: $400 (20% Off)
Twenty percent off a $500 backcountry safety device is a pretty good deal. This medium-size avalanche bag pack from Backcountry Access has just enough room to carry winter gear, snacks, and rescue tools, and weighs just 3.6 pounds. The pack also has a molded back panel and multiple gear loops, plus radio-specific access.
Use the code HAPPYBIRTHDAYGEORGE to get 20% off. The sale price will be available through Friday.
Eagle Creek Waist Pack: From $16 (Up to 56% Off)
Whether you’re going for a short local hike or traveling abroad, this 3L waist pack screams adventure. The pack has webbing loops to attach to a bike or to attach gear, a specific electronics compartment, and is made of a durable 300-denier ripstop nylon.
Igloo MaxCold 52-Quart Cooler: $44 (40% Off)
The MaxCold cooler has Igloo’s Ultratherm insulation that can keep ice cold up to 5 days. The cooler also has an interior shelf, leak-resistant drain plug, self-draining cupholders, telescoping handle, and wheels. Right now, get this 52-quart cooler (and smaller models) for 40% off.
Thule Stir 28L Backpack: From $60 (Up to 54% Off)
Thule’s rugged daypack is a steal right now. The 28L pack has a breathable back panel, hydration sleeve and tube access, and a removable hip belt and straps to configure the pack to any adventure. The pack even has reflective accents, trekking pole and gear loops, and a helmet-carry feature if you’re planning a more technical trip.
Oakley Flight Deck Goggles: $150 (25% Off)
Oakley’s Flight Deck XM Snow Goggles offer some pretty awesome weather and light protection for a great price. The spherical lens goggles have 100% UV protection, an iridium lens, and anti-fog coatings. The Flight Deck goggles are also interchangeable lens-compatible. Two different lens colors are on sale.